When I was a student at Wolverhampton Poly in 1971, I collected some stone from the small quarry of Ancaster in Lincolnshire. I left the main road and headed across a field towards a spinney of trees. I drove down a winding, narrow, heavily rutted track which eventually opened out to reveal a broad golden wall, the land mass laid bare, earth and soil stripped back, the ranks of regimented drill marks standing to attention in the early sun.
This short statement in turn revealed that the artist's (as I wrote in the introduction to the publication)
professional reputation and career is rooted in the use of stone, but he is also a passionate enthusiast for stone as a material in any context.
Alongside Paul's work he selected other pieces by Christine Angus, Michael Farrell, George Kennethson, Liz Lemon, John Paddison, and Richard Perry. In addition specially commissioned photographs of the topology of the centre were shown by Oded Shimshon.
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